Monday, May 25, 2020

New features for developers in Chrome 83

Google Chrome - Wikipedia


Trusted types

Trusted types can help prevent various kinds of vulnerabilities i.e DOM-based cross-site scripting.

For example inner HTML

With trusted types turned on, if someone tries to pass a string, it will fail with a type error, because the browser doesn’t know if it can trust the string. Instead, its either need to pass in a trusted type or create the element and use append child.

Updates to Form controls

Use of HTML form controls are the key to the web’s interactivity. They are easy to use and familiar to users.  The styling of form controls can be inconsistent across browsers and operating systems and we frequently have to shift a number of CSS roles just to get a consistent look across devices.

The new form controls now available in Chrome 83

Origin trial: Measure Memory with measureMemory()

performance.measureMemory is a new API that makes it possible to measure the memory usage of your page and detect memory leaks.

Memory leaks are easy to accidentally introduce.

Memory leaks lead to pages that appear slow and bloated  to users

Origin trail: Native File System API

The native file system API started a new origin trial in Chrome 83 with support for writable streams and the ability to save file handles.

Supports the Barcode Detection API

Which provides the ability to detect and decode barcodes.

New CSS @supports function

Provides features detection for CSS selectors


Sunday, May 17, 2020

Facebook page | Updates General Information

Facebook page Users can include various relevant information on their Facebook Page. Digital Shende points out such info. 

 Digital Shende Facebook Page


Should accurately reflect what the Page is about.


It's easier for people to find your Page in search when it has a unique username. Pages with usernames can also create custom URLs that let people quickly visit and message them.


The limit is 255 characters.

You can write a short summary about this Page, or tell people about your products and service


Having an accurate category helps Facebook show your business to the right people. You can three categories which related to your page


Phone number



email address makes it easier for potential customers to contact you



Service area

Working Hours

Update your business hours so search results show when your location is open.



The limit is 2,000 characters


Enter products offered

Privacy Policy

Enter privacy policy link